Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Approaching whelp

As Yoko's due date approached, we encountered a few challenges, namely hot weather and my air conditioning dying.  The local heating and AC contractor did a rush install of a new unit and we were cool and comfortable in time for the whelp.  Yoko was due Monday 6/17, but I was expecting a Sunday whelp with so many pups.  Saturday night, Yoko wouldn't settle, did a little nesting, and asked to go outside often.  However, by 3 am, she finally settled and then rested comfortably all day Sunday, although she was eating slower.  Sunday evening, she wasn't very interested in dinner which is one of the most predictive signs of labor starting.  We had another restless night, and by Monday morning, Yoko appeared to be finally in Stage I labor.  Yoko was determined to make her den under the pine trees in the backyard, and was constantly asking to go outside to toilet, and then would make a break for the pine trees.  I bedded down the crate in my bedroom with lots of sheets to root around in, Yoko did some nesting, but was more interested in going outside.  While I was on the computer, Yoko brought me a Santa hat that she found in a box of therapy and assistance dog apparel.  Still trying to figure out how to get her to settle, I grabbed an armful of stuffed toys and added those to the crate den.  Yoko approved, settled down, and within 15 minutes contractions began. 

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